
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Walls Foundation

The Strong Foundation Media bias has existed for decades and it would difficult to trace the bias back to a singular point or event. It is something that has always been there, the difference being the bias has been more subtle in the past and it has not been until recently that the bias has been pushed to the forefront of reporting and forced people to truly consider the credibility of their news sources. Ferguson Missouri  I wanted to discuss the events that lead to my view of media bias and pushed it to the front of my mind in the world of politics. The first event that brought this issue to light for me was the controversial shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Missouri Police. I remember watching the news about the riots and violent protests that were occurring and listening to the journalists sympathize with these rioters and jump to conclusions about the outcome of the case. Saying that there was no way that Officer Wilson was not going to be indicted. I listened ...

What is The Media Wall?

What is the Media Wall? The Media is supposed to be the way that information about government operations is related to the people and be a check on corrupt big corrupt government. the media us supposed to unbiasedly report facts to the people so that the the people can be informed and aware of the actions of their government. That is not what our media does. In recent years the bias in the media has reached critical levels. The media reports the facts in a way that spins the story to make their point of view look better than the others and make some public figure look better than others. It is because of this biased reporting method that we have such a huge divide in our country at the moment.This divide has led to countless acts of violence and millions of dollars in property damage. The media has built this wall between the people and only continues to fortify it.