
The media did something good!

I think that the media actually did something good this week in their reporting on Donald Trump’s religious values initiative. The media is supposed to be the watchdog of the government and report on their biased and corrupt practices. That is what CNN has done with this article, they lay out what Donald Trump has said and exposed the unconstitutionality of what he is saying and proposing as a policy. Our nation has the First Amendment to keep religion out of government decision making because they saw how corrupt a religious run government can be. For the leader of the country to be making statements like “ We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values" is a problem. I would be curious to see what secular purpose this would serve, or how a statement such as this does not cause excessive entanglement of the government in religion (which are components of the standard for the government to be involved in something religious). So good job CNN on reporting on ...

The definition of Terrorism

One single event killed 59 people and injured over 500 hundred more, it was an attack on the very fabric of America and our people. It was an act of terrorism, yet we do not hear the media use this term to describe the acts of the shooter in Las Vegas, why? Terrorism is defined as the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. If this definition is broken down piece by piece it fits the Las Vegas attack almost perfectly, except for that last piece “in the pursuit of political aims.” The issue that we are having right now is that we do not truly know what the shooter's motivation was. There is no debating that what happened was an unlawful use of violence against civilians. I have heard several smaller news sources and blogs call this an act of terrorism and said that the reason that the mainstream media is unwilling to call this incident an act of terrorism is because the shooter was a white male. This argument does ...

Is ESPN qualified to talk politics?

This week I want to talk about something a little different than the normal politics that we always get to discuss. This week we saw a lot of controversy in the news regarding the NFL players refusing to stand during the national anthem and taking knees to show their support for the inequality of treatment of minorities in America. The NFL has taken a stance that allows the players to do this, which is contrary to prior NFL action regarding the players taking political stances and showing their support for controversial causes on the field. Keeping on the subject of mass media we have seen some new commentary on this issue of inequality with many of the sports commentators now contributing to the debate and reporting on the issues. This is interesting because normally in these television programs the only thing discussed is the sport, but now they are introducing a true news aspect to some of the programming. The issue I see with some of this commentary that is being produced is t...

Media Coverage of Police Incidents

Don't let your temper flare too much... There have been a whirlwind of news stories dominating the news cycle recently. From the wrath of mother nature with Hurricane Irma and now Hurricane Maria to the killing of a transgendered student at Georgia Tech and the acquittal of a police officer in St. Louis. All of these stories have deeply impacted communities and the nation as a whole. I want to focus on the two police incidents though, while the hurricane has caused a great deal destruction to our communities, there is nothing we can do about Mother Nature, but we can talk about the societal issues involved with some of these police incidents and try to create more positive change.  The Georgia Tech incident  A quick google search of Georgia Tech police and you will slammed with hundreds of links covering the incident. The article I chose to use for this post was the Washington Post article covering the incident. The reason I chose this article is because it does a b...


Trump's DACA decision  Earlier this week President Trump announced that he was going to repealing and replacing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that President Obama passed. This program allows for children who came to the country illegally with their parents to remain in the country and not be subjected to deportation. The Trump administration called for congress to begin efforts to come up with a replacement for the program since he was planning on repealing it. The administration cited that these immigrants are a strain on the governmental system because they are being afforded benefits and not paying taxes into the system that they are reaping these benefits from.  While the DACA decision is a questionable one that is receiving a lot of push back from political leaders and minority communities, the media is obviously pushing in one direction. The media has been consumed with John McCain's comments criticizing Trump's decision. To me this begs th...

The Walls Foundation

The Strong Foundation Media bias has existed for decades and it would difficult to trace the bias back to a singular point or event. It is something that has always been there, the difference being the bias has been more subtle in the past and it has not been until recently that the bias has been pushed to the forefront of reporting and forced people to truly consider the credibility of their news sources. Ferguson Missouri  I wanted to discuss the events that lead to my view of media bias and pushed it to the front of my mind in the world of politics. The first event that brought this issue to light for me was the controversial shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Missouri Police. I remember watching the news about the riots and violent protests that were occurring and listening to the journalists sympathize with these rioters and jump to conclusions about the outcome of the case. Saying that there was no way that Officer Wilson was not going to be indicted. I listened ...

What is The Media Wall?

What is the Media Wall? The Media is supposed to be the way that information about government operations is related to the people and be a check on corrupt big corrupt government. the media us supposed to unbiasedly report facts to the people so that the the people can be informed and aware of the actions of their government. That is not what our media does. In recent years the bias in the media has reached critical levels. The media reports the facts in a way that spins the story to make their point of view look better than the others and make some public figure look better than others. It is because of this biased reporting method that we have such a huge divide in our country at the moment.This divide has led to countless acts of violence and millions of dollars in property damage. The media has built this wall between the people and only continues to fortify it.