The media did something good!
I think that the media actually did something good this week in their reporting on Donald Trump’s religious values initiative. The media is supposed to be the watchdog of the government and report on their biased and corrupt practices. That is what CNN has done with this article, they lay out what Donald Trump has said and exposed the unconstitutionality of what he is saying and proposing as a policy. Our nation has the First Amendment to keep religion out of government decision making because they saw how corrupt a religious run government can be. For the leader of the country to be making statements like “ We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values" is a problem. I would be curious to see what secular purpose this would serve, or how a statement such as this does not cause excessive entanglement of the government in religion (which are components of the standard for the government to be involved in something religious). So good job CNN on reporting on ...